
Govee H6159 can't control color

barrydgord opened this issue · 0 comments

I installed the Govee H6159 V10.4.0 plugin on a Hoobs Box Pro OS 11. I can control the on off but not the color. I tried all 3 AWS color modes but no luck.

Details of your setup.

Govee H6159 V10.4.0
Hoobs Box Pro HPRO-1 OS11 v5.0.9
Node 18.16.1
Homebridge 1.6.1

Any suggestions. Thanks.

  • Which version of this plugin (homebridge-govee) do you have? Has the issue started since upgrading from a previous version?

  • Which Govee devices do you have that are causing issues? Please include product models if applicable.

Please paste any relevant logs below.