
H605C Resetting to Color Mode

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Hello, my Govee Envisual T2 (H605C) keeps resetting from Video sync mode to flat Color mode following the latest plugin update.

Homebridge v1.7.0, Govee Plugin v10.5.0, Node v20.12.1

There are no errors in the logs, but initialization logs state the following:
[Govee] [TV Lights] current state [on].
[Govee] [TV Lights] current brightness [30%]. (incorrect, lights are actually at 75%)
[Govee] [TV Lights] current colour [3300K / 303M].

Changing the brightness in Homekit is also not correctly changing the brightness of the device (or in the Govee App), and keeps going back down to 30%.

This only started recently after newest update. Homekit is reverting the Govee settings from Video (after changing in Govee App) to flat white color on its own, and keep reverting back even after setting back to Video mode in the App.

Thank you.