
Feature Updates

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I would like to ask if there are a few updates that could be made to the software to help us out. We are in the process of moving to a new domain and we need to re-create every user account. Long story and no we cannot export and import again long story. However with a few tweaks this software would make our task much easier.

#1 could you make it so that you could check a settings box and make all the input fields use Title Case?
Turning john smith into John Smith or jOHN sMITH into John Smith. It would be nice for all the fields to have this, job title and department etc, etc. this will make all the input look very nice.
#2 Add EmployeeNumber and EmployeeID. We use this for the samAccountName but also in AD under EmployeeNumber and EmployeeID. Unfortunately due to some upper management request we also have to append it to the users name. So we have something like: John A Smith - 3323952.
#3 Being able to use %EmployeeNumber% and %EmployeeID% in other places throughout the application to fill in the EmployeeNumber we use.
#4 Bottom of the application add a button to reset the form so you don't have to go to menus.
#5 Add a button to the bottom of the application to "preview" the account before you create it.
You could have "Create User" "Preview" "Reset Form" and "Exit"
#6 Since we have 2 domains it would be nice if you could add a domain selection or a domain log in. Even if I had to run the application twice on one machine a domain log in would let me switch back and forth.

Many many thanks for any updates you can do. -WS

1: added in v2
2. added in v2
3. added in v2
4. added in v2 to context menu, also option to reset form after user creation
5. not yet added
6. will have to establish trust, could work on option