
Incorrect O365 License is Assigned

Opened this issue · 1 comments

GUI finds Exchange Online licenses types, but after starting the user creation process, it fails to find the Exchange Online license and assigns a Business Essentials license instead. Licenses are through AppRiver, not sure is that may have anything to do with it.


I am having the same issue as CStaas. However, looking through the files with my limited knowledge.
There is this one line that is supposed to show the variable $licenses2add.

Add-Logs "LOG: We will be adding the licenses, $Licenses2Add"

Which is blank in both CStaas' logs as well as mine. Chasing that further I see in the O365LicenseSelection.psf that the Ok button is supposed to be adding values to $Global:Licenses2Add. Looking at Globals.ps1 I don't see that variable anywhere. So I am wondering if that is where the problem originates.

Much like CStaas, when it doesn't find the selected license I see that it drops back to the only other license it can find on the account which isn't a mailbox license so then the MCU hangs for 8mins waiting on a mailbox to create.
