
GPIO pin 0 cannot be used?

henk65 opened this issue · 5 comments

Trying to use AceButton on pin 0 gives me this error:

exit status 1
call of overloaded 'AceButton(int)' is ambiguous

All other pins are okay, except pin 0. What can be done about this?

Try AceButton((uint8_t) 0).

This is caused by 2 overloaded constructors:

  • AceButton(uint8_t pin, ...) and
  • AceButton(ButtonConfig* buttonConfig, ...)

C++ maps a 0 to either an int or a void*. I'm not really sure how to get around that. Open to suggestions.

This stackoverlow suggests a way to disambiguate (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4610503/how-to-resolve-ambiguity-of-call-to-overloaded-function-with-literal-0-and-point) but it's kinda ugly. Not sure I want to introduce that kind of clutter into the code.

Okay, it's working now. That's not the way I usually do it, but it did the trick for me and I'm fine with it.

Shall I close this issue now, or do you want to leave it open for suggestions from others? You can close it if you want to, I'm okay with that...

Added notes in the README.md.

It occurred to me that an alternative, perhaps cleaner, solution is to use a const:

const uint8_t PIN = 0;
AceButton button(PIN);