
[FR] Extend keyword to user element objects

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Cool plugin thanks!

A nice feature request would be to extend the keyword to be able to utilize Craft user objects such as the any field in the user profile: {{ currentUser.username }} or {{ currentUser.someRequiredCustomField }}

Can you give me a use case for this? Would you require the user to type their username or custom field in to the keyword field? Is that what you mean?

I was initially thinking of something similar to what GitHub does when you delete a repository. It has you type in the name of the repository to delete, but I figured with Craft's ability to use objects, it could be almost anything related to the user really. But the main thing I was thinking was that it might be something more unique to the user that was it feels a bit more of a deliberate act.


Yeah I can add this in for sure. I'll add it to the roadmap for now and get it done in next few days.

Cool sounds good, no worries on the timing, it was just an idea that popped into my head

@mikestecker Wow, 2018! How time flies.

I've implemented this feature and it will be available shortly.

@mikestecker Sorry this has been a long time coming! I've rebuilt the plugin for Craft 4 and it's now called Porter. This feature has been added but won't be added to the Craft 3 version - Thanks!