
removing class

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I have an issue with removing attributes

    cleanUp: ['class'],
    debug: true

Unfortunately it doesnt fix class atribute, also without cleanUp option i removes it.

PS I also had a problem with collection of img whcich was filtered. only $('img') works for me

The 'cleanUp' option should remove all attributes placed in there as an array. Does this work if you put more than 1 item in the array? I'll run some tests, but if you have an example (Codepen or something) I can take a look at that might help.

Similar to your other problem if you have an example. This has only been tested with classes and tags os far so it might be hitting an issue there.

Planning on pushing an update to this in the next week or so which may (Or may not) fix your issues

Can't say right now, because I have dropped idea of drawing svg (thats why I needed inline code), but I have extended your code by taking class of element in every loop and adding it in the end.

Was the class on the or the after it had converted it?

It's good to know people are using this add-on :)

As simple as that:

    function (index) {

      var svgObj = $(this),
          svgPath = svgObj.attr('src');

      var thisClass = svgObj.attr('class');  //HERE

      debug('Path ' + index, svgPath);

          function (data) {

            var svgData = data.childNodes,
                svgLength = svgData.length,

             Node Types
             1  Element
             2  Attribute
             3  Text
             4  CDATA Section
             5  Entity Reference
             6  Entity
             7  Processing Instruction
             8  Comment
             9  Document
             10 Document Type
             11 Document Fragment
             12 Notation

            for (var node = 0; node < svgLength; node++) {

              if (svgData[node].nodeType === 1) {
                svgOutput = svgData[node];
                    function (i, item) {



            $(svgOutput).addClass(thisClass); //HERE


             onComplete Callback
            if (index + 1 === pluginObjLength) {



Maybe there is a better solution, but it works

PS. I was wondering why people are not using such tools, but eventually I figured out that this process should be done by gulp

Gotcha! Yeah it's on my list to be able to add classes, ID's and data attributes back on to the SVG after it's been converted.

Oh really? Didn't know you could do it with Gulp - Point me in the right direction for that?

I have found this

It doesn't look popular, but you need to agree, that we shouldn't convert svg's every time on clients side. Also pasting SVG inline is hard to maintain, so gulp seems to be perfect solution if you need fe. a lot of animated svgs


Yeah, that would work well. The reason we built this add-on though was for user generated content. We had an issue where our clients were uploading SVG's, but they were the wrong colour etc... So i works well.

The Gulp way would only work if the SVG's are already in the template right?

Agree, maintaining inline SVG's is difficult. We wrote a blog post to go with this add-on and some other people suggested some other ways:

Well, I was thinking only about svgs added in developing process, so yes, gulp will do this only on building (or you can have it on your node.js server).

If you want to convert user-uploaded content - thats good solution, but I think more performance way would be doing this on server-side.

Anyway good job

Thanks! :) I'll add the class thing in in the next few days if you wanted to pull it down and use that one

This has now been added / fixed in the latest release. Please note the plugin name has changed from shapeSVGConvert to svgConvert and the options have changed if your upgrading.