
Cannot read property '0' of undefined in delete-family action

FranzPoize opened this issue · 1 comments


Ok this will be a bit cryptic but this is from this trackJS log

On the transition to start from dashboard there is to be a delete-family call. And it crash on the

const newVariant = {...newFamily.variants[0]};

Classified as High because this seems to crash the font creation


Please notify the user on intercom that the bug they reported is fixed

Fixed in c6b07d0
Deleting the last family (Most likely getting back to the start page from the onboarding) was causing a crash, because previously the app wasn't allowing this action from the UI.
I just did a check, and the dashboard already has a fallback to go to /start if no font is loaded.

Should we merge this to master right away @FranzPoize?