
`cargo wasi run` does not properly work on Windows with usernames with spaces in them

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skade commented

When executing cargo wasi run on Windows with a username with a space in it, cargo-wasi does not properly quote the path of the cargo-wasi executable.

 cargo wasi run -v
     Running "cargo" "run" "--target" "wasm32-wasi" "--message-format" "json-render-diagnostics" "-v"
       Fresh rustagram v0.1.0 (C:\Code\testrun\rustagram)
     Running `C:\Users\Florian Gilcher\.cargo\bin\cargo-wasi.exe target\wasm32-wasi\debug\rustagram.wasm`
wasm` (never executed)
Caused by:
  The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
error: failed to execute "cargo" "run" "--target" "wasm32-wasi" "--message-format" "json-render-diagnostics" "-v"
    status: exit code: 101

Further investigation shows that C:\Users\Florian Gilcher\.cargo\bin\cargo-wasi.exe is not found due to a space in the username.