
Why is `wac encode --define` not the default?

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It is my understanding that wasmtime doesn't even yet support component imports. This means that components composed without the --define option won't run in wasmtime (they don't run in wepl because of an error coming from wasmtime). Shouldn't --define be the default instead and instead expose an --import-dependencies option to opt into component imports?

That's a great question!

Originally I wanted to show off how small compositions can be (i.e. a few KB typically) when we're referencing things as imports.

But it does make for a poor user experience if you accidentally try to run one with component imports in Wasmtime today.

I would be fine with replacing --define with --import-dependencies with short form -i (also --define could be confused with -d, which is the short form of --dependency when passing the deps directly as args).

Developing tools in this space is difficult because I think we all know where we want the DX to be, but things are simply not there yet, so we should probably err on the side of a good realistic DX for today rather than for tomorrow.