
[BUG] Demo App 无法编译运行

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug | 问题描述

International Demo App 无法编译运行。错误信息如下:

/Users/xxx/Bytedance-UnionAD/Demo/InternationalDemo/Objective-C/BUDemo/App/Until/Animation/BUDAnimationTool.h:9:9 'BUAdSDK/BUAdSDK.h' file not found

Environmental information | 环境信息

  • SDK name: | Ads-Global
  • SDK version: |
  • Date and time: | 2023-05-04
  • Device model: | iPhone XsMax
  • iOS version: | iOS 14.8

To Reproduce | 如何复现

git clone, cd to the directory, and pod install, 使用Xcode打开wcworkspace文件,修改签名为自己的developer account,compile,就会出现这种情况。

Screenshots | 截图

Backtrace | 相关堆栈

Additional context | 附言

zry-bd commented

Thank you for your feedback. We have fixed this bug in version Please update to the latest version or download the demo from the official website.