
[BUG] Cant open apps on web demo

maxtyson123 opened this issue · 4 comments


Whenever I attempt to open an app, the app wont open and the console will report Tried queuing blocked thread!


This is the serial console. Whatever you type or paste here will be sent to COM1pond(3) [INFO] Client b42755 disconnected
[TaskManager] [WARN] Tried queuing blocked thread!
pond(3) [INFO] New client connected: c129480a```


WASM, Chrome, Windows

To Reproduce

  • Open Duck Os demo
  • Close about
  • open program list
  • click any program

Add any other context about the bug here. If you made any additional changes to the default environment, such as adding kernel parameters or using a different toolchain, add that here.

Unfortunately, the web version is just really slow. This is because a) it is running in a web browser, and b) the disk image is streamed in 1MB chunks as they're needed, which is pretty slow. And it is an older build, which has a few known issues.

However, I do see in the log that pond is reporting a new client, which means that the application is launching - it's probably just still loading. Do you see the orange disk activity light near the buttons at the top? If so, the app is still loading. It may take a few minutes to open.

If you'd like to run duckOS and get the full experience, I would recommend compiling it yourself - it's a lot better than running it in the browser :)

Now the web demo has reverted it self to an older version, no longer are the connected messages.

Can you try clearing your cache and loading it again? Is the orange activity light there?

Closing due to inactivity.