
Serverless Native Scala Demo

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Serverless Graal Scala Demo

This demo project uses GraalVM to compile a simple Scala project into a single native executable file. As a result, the application can run without Java/JVM installed in the target machine.

See Bootstrap.scala

It utilizes the new AWS Lambda Runtime API to call the native executable as a Lambda Function.

Deployment is powered and managed by the Serverless Framework.


  1. Linux development machine - This project builds a native binary that is deployed to AWS so it must run in a Linux machine.
  2. Install NodeJS and the Serverless Framework
  3. Amazon Web Services account

You also need to setup your AWS credentials/profiles in the ~/.aws/credentials file.

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
region = us-east-1


To build the project, run ./gradlew clean build.

This will download all of the project and build dependencies including the GraalVM SDK and will create a native executable file named bootstrap in the build/graal directory.


To deploy, simply run sls deploy. This demo project will create 2 lambda functions: echo and reverse:

To invoke the functions, run:

sls invoke -f echo -d 'hello'
sls invoke -f reverse -d 'hello'