
Compilation options for hardening C builds.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Hardening C builds

A set of compilation options for hardening C builds with gcc.


With CMake

Specify your desired CMake version and the .c files you want to build your project with, and indicate the include directory.


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This will build your project and will pop warnings when something went wrong.


Compilation warnings

  • -W
  • -Wall
  • -Wextra
  • -Werror
  • -ansi
  • -pedantic
  • -Wuninitialized
  • -Wcast-align
  • -Wmissing-braces
  • -Wunused-result
  • -Wpointer-arith
  • -Wchkp
  • -Wl,-z,relro
  • -Wl,-z,now
  • -Wl,-z,noexecstack
  • -Wstack-protector
  • -Wformat
  • -Wformat-security
  • -Wstrict-aliasing
  • -Wunused-parameter

Security flags

  • -fstack-protector-strong (or -fstack-protector-all)
  • --param ssp-buffer-size=1
  • -pie (or -fpic)
  • -fPIE
  • -fstack-check
  • -fsplit-stack


  • -fsanitize=address
  • -fsanitize=leak
  • -fsanitize=undefined


Performance flags (may have security impact)

  • -finline-functions
  • -O2

Other Recommendations

  • You may want to use more libbsd functions than the standard c library. For this, look up your desired functions in the manual, install libbsd-dev or (use $(pkg-config --libs libbsd) ), and link with -lbsd.
  • Try to break your program on purpose with known bad input and envrionnment.
  • Fuzz your inputs with random data and observe if your program handles weird input.
  • Kill your program in the middle of an operation and observe how it behaves afterwards (are log files unlocked ? sockets closed ?)
  • Evaluate if the choices you made are really the best for your specific use case.
  • Always re-evaluate and ask yourself if you're not doing too much. Then answer objectively.
  • Most importantly : isn't there alread something else out there that does what you intend to do, but maybe better ? ;-)