
A collection of useful classes and methods to make some development tasks easier.

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Kit

Swift Kit is a collection of useful classes and methods to make some development tasks easier. This was originally my personal set of utilities which I've been using for a while now, and I've decided to share it with everyone in hopes that it will also save people some development time.

You may also be interested in Android Kit if you're an Android developer.



Makes HTTP requests simpler. Includes methods for parallel or serial (queued) asynchronous execution of requests with completion handlers. Provides ability to completely bypass SSL client authentication as needed. Requests with multi-part content body is also supported and has been made a lot simpler. All important details about the request and the response are also logged for easier debugging.

Crypto Kit

Includes a comprehensive set of utility methods for your cryptography needs. Supports cross-platform encryption/decryption of data (see Android Kit for iOS) using the default crypto spec. You may also define your own spec to suits your needs (set the encryption algorithm, block cipher mode, padding, salt length, HMAC salt length, HMAC key length, key derivation iterations, PRF algorithm and MAC algorithm).

Encryption using a crypto spec implements secure random IV, password-based key derivation (PBKDF2) and keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC). You may also use the different methods available to implement your own data format for encrypted data.

IAP Helper

Makes the implementation of in-app purchases even simpler.

GameKit Helper

Simplifies GameKit-related tasks such as submitting scores, showing leaderboards or managing cloud saved games.

Secure Data File

An encrypted data file you can use to persist app data without worrying about user tampering. Very useful for protecting game data against cheaters or hiding sensitive information from prying eyes.

Secure Variables

A set of classes which protect primitives from memory editors and similar cheating tools. Designed to combat game cheaters and enforce fair play on your games.


A utility to make it easier to run tasks asynchronously with delay options and completion handlers.


A simple utility you can use for measuring elapsed time or benchmarking your code. Multiple timers can run at the same time.


Show Android-inspired toast messages in iOS with ease. Display duration, placement and colors are also configurable.

Activity Indicator

Introduces a very simple way to block the view and display an activity indicator at the same time without having to add or remove views on your own.


Extensions for different classes for convenience. Includes UIColor initialization using hex RGB, NSData to hex string, convenient Base 64 encoding and decoding, dictionary to URL query parameters and more.


Includes several extended views configurable in the interface builder, such as Label (UILabel) with configurable insets/padding. Still deciding which ones to publish and which ones to remove.

How to Use

Manual Import

  1. Clone Swift Kit $ git clone https://github.com/AldrinClemente/Swift-Kit.git
  2. Drag the SwiftKit.xcodeproj into the file navigator of your project to import it as a submodule
  3. Select your project in the Project Navigator and select the application target under Targets in the sidebar then open the General tab
  4. Click the + button under the Embedded Binaries section
  5. Select SwiftKit.framework for the appropriate platform then click Add
  6. Done! Just put import SwiftKit in your classes to use it. :D


Coming soon!


APIs/method names may still change a few times while we're still below 1.0. I'm still trying to decide on some class and method names and where to put them.

The HTTP Kit includes a modified JSON class from SwiftyJSON for handling JSON objects and arrays.

Bug Reports and Requests

Please submit bugs using the issue tracker. Feature requests are very welcome too!