
Create base transformer

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The base transformer is an abstract class that can be extended by other transformers (such as the react transformer, the vue transformer...). A transformer is what receives the data (TransformerInput) and generates all the files from it (TransformerOutput).

Acceptance Criteria

  • export types for Input and Output
  • export types for each entity
  • export an abstract class TransformerBase


  • create a zod schema which is in charge to:
    • create the type TransformerInput
    • create a schema.json file
    • create a function validateTransformerInput
  • create a TransformerOutput type which is the return type of the abstract transform method
  • create the abstract class TransformerBase

Additional Information

What should the schema describe?

The schema describes all the entities that should support a transformer. It includes at least states, watchers, components.

Here is the minimal description of each entities:

  • a state have:
    • a name
    • a type
    • a initial value
  • a watcher have:
    • the state to watch
    • a callback
  • a component have:
    • a name
    • props
    • have children/slot?
    • a template