
Hashtbl when opening containers

Closed this issue · 6 comments

this is a FIXME in containers.ml. what is the best way to use CCHashtbl for now?

I didn't find how to expose an extension of Hashtbl as Containers.Hashtbl, because of sub-modules. However, you can still use CCHashtbl directly:

let tbl = CCHashtbl.of_list [1, "1"; 2, "2"] in
Hashtbl.find tbl 1


module H = CCHashtbl.Make(CCInt)

let tbl = H.of_list [1, "1"; 2, "2"]

ok, thanks. so when i use the specialized modules, (H above) then these will include both the standard and CCHashtbl functions?

Yes, the specialized module includes the signature Hashtbl.S. In practice I do use specialized tables a lot :)

This should be solved, actually, there is a Hashtbl module in Containers since 0.14. But it's not 100% complete because of the sub-module clashes. If it's sufficient for you, can you close the issue?

i don't understand fully what sub-module clashes means here. if there is remaining unexpected behavior for the user maybe a hint in the docs would help. otherwise i think this is fine.

Actually, I might be able to fix it by breaking a bit compatibility (!!).
I will have to rename CCHashtbl.S into CCHashtbl.FULL (for example) and Make into MakeFull, so that include CCHashtbl does not declare the module type S and functor Make twice.