
Update README and examples

vincentfretin opened this issue · 17 comments

  • update examples to use aframe 1.3.0
  • add the castle example in the index page
  • Update README, how to use correct gh jsdelivr urls
  • hexgrid example: not listed in examples page, broken, issue with BufferGeometry
  • platforms example: jump not working correctly, it just does a small 10cm jump, not enough to go on top of a cube
  • playground example broken: Uncaught TypeError: ray._updateDirection is not a function at i.raycastToGround (kinematic-body.js:197:9) I think we need to remove kinematic-body and replace by ammo-body="type: kinematic;"?

In the README, update to use the correct urls. For a gh build for example it's

Some components I didn't test at all. I don't know in which state they're in:

  • jump-ability
  • mesh-smooth
  • normal-material
  • a-grid
  • a-hex-grid
  • a-tube
  • cube-env-map (Note: cubemaps are now supported natively in A-Frame via the a-cubemap element)

Components that should be removed from the repo:

  • kinematic-body

If some of the above components needs fixing about BufferGeometry, see an update example for ocean component #387
PR welcome if you use those components and you're able to fix them.

See #407 - I don't think we should attempt to patch up hex-grid at this point, and shouldn't block release 6.2.0 on having a working hex-grid.

A maintained hex-grid component for A-Frame would be nice to have, but given there is no maintained hex grid implementation available at the THREE.js level, it's a big stretch to take that on, and I don't see it as a priority at this time.

I've not seen anyone in the community asking / complaining about the state of hex-grid.

Agree, let's remove the a-hex-grid component from the repository, and also kinematic-body and cube-env-map as already said above.
I think we can remove mesh-smooth as well, it uses geometry.computeVertexNormals() that doesn't exist anymore. and there are better alternatives https://svox.glitch.me and the fork https://github.com/webspace-sdk/smoothvoxels (see https://gfodor.medium.com/rebooting-the-web-in-3d-with-webspaces-9e58847e042c)

Remaining are jump-ability, normal-material, a-grid, a-tube.
normal-material, a-grid are used in some examples and seems to work.
jump-ability is used in the platforms example and is not behaving properly.
a-tube does it still work? There is no live example.

I think jump-ability needs to be retired alongside kinematic-body.

It's only used in examples alongside kinematic-body, and only makes sense alongside it. Here's why...

Both use the velocity component, which is part of aframe-physics-system but not a part I was aware of until now!
See: https://github.com/c-frame/aframe-physics-system/tree/master/src/components/math

I don't fully understand the velocity component, but it is only used (AFAIK) by kinematic-body and jump-ability. It's not tightly coupled to the physics engine: it doesn't alter the velocity in the physics system, it just externally overlays an additional velocity on top of it. And physics-system doesn't alter the velocity either.

So to give a sensible jumping behaviour, jump-ability needs to be coupled with something like kinematic-body to apply gravity, so that the player doesn't just fly upwards endlessly.

We should also retire the examples that use kinematic-body: platforms, walls & playground. Even if aspects of them work, they are illustrating a pattern that's explicitly no longer recommended.

It would be nice to replace them with examples showing the recommended solution. Unfortunately I don't think we can do so fully...

The recommendation is to use a nav-mesh to constrain player movement. That works for some parts of the problem, but it's not a complete solution, as it doesn't take care of stopping players running into moving entities (e.g. moving platforms), and I'm not sure how it deals with e.g. head-height issues either...

Unity (for example) offers something called a CharacterController, which is part-physics-body, part nav-mesh-agent and handles all the complex interactions between player controls, nav-mesh & physics. PhysX offers one of these, and it might be an interesting project to bring this to A-Frame as part of c-frame/physx. However VR requirements on a character controller are probably different again from a classic desktop FPS... So it's definitely a complicated topic...

It looks like we do already have a basic nav-mesh example here:, so I think that's enough for now.

In summary - let's also remove all of:

  • jump-ability
  • platforms example
  • playground example
  • walls example

That just leaves a-tube. I'll take a look at that.

a-tube works fine. I created a simple example here, which I can roll into a PR.

normal-material doesn't work AFAICT - only used in the castle example, and applied to an invisible mesh.
I tried setting normal-material on my tubes example, and just got a white material - looking into that now.

normal-material was partly broken - worked with GLTFs where model loads in asynchronously. It didn't work with simple geometries like a-sphere and a-tube where the geometry is set up synchronously.

I have a 1-line fix for this which I'll put in a PR as well.

Tubes example now covers normal-material as well...

PRs #408, #409 and #410 should fix most of the remaining issues here.

What remains? retiring cube-env-map & mesh-smooth - will do one more PR for those.

Given that we are removing components (hence changing the interface), according to SemVer we should move to 7.0.0 rather than 6.2.0?

I didn't apply that change (awaiting discussion), but that would be my recommendation.

I think we can remove mesh-smooth as well, it uses geometry.computeVertexNormals() that doesn't exist anymore. and there are better alternatives https://svox.glitch.me/ and the fork https://github.com/webspace-sdk/smoothvoxels (see https://gfodor.medium.com/rebooting-the-web-in-3d-with-webspaces-9e58847e042c)

I'm not sure about this.

computeVertexNormals does still exist in THREE.js (now on BufferGeometry)

Smooth Voxels is very cool, but it's not a drop-in replacement, as it can't take a generic Mesh as an input.

I don't know how widely used this is, but I don't see a reason to remove. I suggest we keep this & create an example to illustrate it's use. I'll do a PR for that.

#409 extended to also remove a-cubemap (rolled into that PR to reduce merge conflicts)

Ok for 7.0.0, you can update #409 to reference 7.0.0 and rebase now that #408 is merged.

You're right about computeVertexNormals and mesh-smooth.

You're right about computeVertexNormals and mesh-smooth.

Actually I think I was wrong :-)


Based on your original list here, I believe this can now be closed?

(the three examples still to fix have all been removed...)

indeed, all good