
Faves not saving/loading after update

Opened this issue · 4 comments

tigjaw commented

The issue:
After updating g'mic, all of my "faves" are set to "PIXLS.US (none) with default settings, as shown below:

Screenshot 2023-04-26 215445

Windows 10 Home 64bit
GIMP 2.10.34
G'MIC 3.2.3

I posted this issue over a year ago and I was waiting for it to be fixed. I wanted to update GIMP and G'MIC so I recently commented on that old thread to ask for an update, but the issue appears to have been deleted. I assumed that meant the problem had been fixed so I updated g'mic, only to find out that the issue was still there and I now have to create my presets all over again, so I'm reporting the issue again. I hope that's okay.

Thanks in advance.

Could you provide your Fave file for inspection?

tigjaw commented

Sure. I had a look at it myself but I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
json files don't seem to be supported here so I've converted it into a text file.

After analyzing your data, we think we can tell what happened:
The filter Color Presets has been updated since you put it in your Faves, and additional filter parameters have appeared, making your Fave entry kind of 'invalid' for the updated filter.

When this happens, G'MIC-Qt still keeps your Fave filter available, but with the default parameters (not the saved ones for the older version of the filter, and which are not valid anymore).

There's not much we can do about it, except recommend that you create a new favorite for the updated version of the filter.
Thanks for your report.

tigjaw commented

Ah ok, that makes sense. Just one thing to note, this has happened twice now, after two updates, meaning I have actually created new favourites for each feature as you suggested and yet after each update it got reset again, so it seems that the presence of the old invalid fave file is stopping g'mic from updating it. I'll try deleting the fave file, so it has to build an entirely new one and then if it happens again in future I'll open the issue again.

Thanks for looking into it for me.