
[request] Copy as command

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Since the command line parameters sometimes differ from those in the Qt interface, whenever I need to use a filter in the command line for batch processing, i have to search the manual and find out which command corresponds to the filter in the Qt interface, then fiddle with the values, export and try again until I find the result that corresponds to what I got in the Qt interface.

One time I had to ask on the forums how to reproduce a filter in the terminal and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a somewhat frequent issue.

It would be so neat and time-saving if there was a button in the Qt interface to copy a filter with its current settings as a command line you can put in the terminal, maybe with template file names for input/output.

Would that be at all possible ?

Well, that is already implemented since a long time (button "Copy G'MIC command to Clipboard").


I use it quite often to create scripts from a selected G'MIC filter.
Is it something else you're asking for? Or do you use an older version of the plug-in maybe ?

Sorry. I was indeed using the version of G'MIC Qt that comes with GIMP on Debian, which is currently 2.9.4 (quite the combo, I know).
I just tried with the Krita appimage which uses version 3.2.4 and the button is there.

This is so neat !
Thank you