
Workbench screen doesn't fit 4K 28'' screen boundaries

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there, RGB2HDMI is working great on my A500rev5 with a PiStorm alongside, but I cannot solve an issue I have got with my new 4K 28'' monitor (using high res interlaced ECS mode on the Amiga side and the max res on the Pi0 side) : WB screen is smaller than screen side, centered on a grey background. I tried a lot of tweaks but nothing works. Is it working as it should due to program limitations or is there something I could do to fit the WB screen to my screen boundaries ? Thanks by advance.

@Stormiboy If you open Prefs->Overscan, you can edit the text size and graphics size. I know it doesn't exactly sound like it, but I think it's what you're looking for :)