
(Idea) Allow to manually provide thumbnails and specify meta data.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Allow to manually provide thumbnails and specify meta data (e.g. video length), maybe also allow to edit both afterwards.
This would allow to upload files that can not be handled by the client (e.g. h265 videos in Firefox) and still provide some meaningful meta data.

Note: There is not much demand for this on my side, just listing as an idea

This would be great if it's reasonably easy - I did some imports with the command line client and the videos ended up without thumbnails, some random ffmpeg errors to the console which I haven't had time to investigate or capture yet. For the moment as there were only a handful I've fixed them up by moving them to the phone and re-uploading them from there.

I can think of ways to make this possible at the time the file is uploaded, before clicking the upload button. That would be a UI change on the client side.

After the file is uploaded, there is really no way to change the thumbnail in a way that would not confuse the existing clients. There's nothing in the protocol that would allow that. It would have to be an operation that effectively deletes the file and re-adds it with the same content but a different thumbnail.

It can be done. It would need a new api endpoint on the server, and UI changes on the client(s).

Ah, sounds like that's rather more work than I thought - probably not a high priority!

(Slightly OT, but thank you very much for your work on this service, it's looking like the most viable replacement for Google Photos that I've stumbled across in a long time!)