
Support for Task lists/Checklists missing

wasu-code opened this issue · 2 comments

I noticed mdview do not support displaying checklists, that are extremaly useful in some cases.

Task lists/Checklists are made with the following structure:

- [ ] unchecked item
- [x] checked item

and give the following output:

  • unchecked item
  • checked item

markdown-it doesn't support it itself but some community-written plugins are available npmjs.com : lists

Thank you for your hard work.

c3er commented

Thanks for filing the issue!

This seems not too hard, so a new release, containing this feature, may come soon. Though I don't want to promise too much.

c3er commented

I just published a new release, containing your feature request.

You can check and uncheck each checkbox. But if you want to persist the check state, you have to edit the document itself.