No focus on content by default
ilog2000 opened this issue · 2 comments
I just moved from v2.5.1 to v2.6.1 and noticed that content does not get focus by default. Previously I was able to press Page Down key right after opening a file and see the next block of content. New version does not react to Page Down until I click somewhere on the content with mouse. Of course, this is minor thing, but hopefully easy to fix.
Thanks for filing this issue!
I could reproduce this issue. You could be right, that this issue may be easy to fix. But right now, I have only few time to invest in the application. I'll try to manage to fix the bug and release a new version this week.
Version 2.6.2 contains now the fix to this issue.
Feel free to open another issue🙂
If you observe, that the application does "sometimes" not react to keyboard presses, then this issue was not fixed properly and you could reopen it.