
Rebranding to Kairos

mudler opened this issue · 0 comments

After #84 was closed, we have settled on a new name, so we need:

  • Buy domain (*.io)
  • Set gh-pages
  • Create new quay.io org, set new robot tokens
  • create new quay.io repository, set permissions. provider-c3os image artifacts has been renamed to kairos-FLAVOR. New quay org: https://quay.io/repository/kairos
  • Create IRC channel (#kairos)
  • Create matrix channel and bridge (https://matrix.to/#/#kairos-io:matrix.org)
  • Rename in codebase, push new release images to new image location
  • Logo, graphics
  • Landing page in docs
  • move to the new org repos
  • Rename provider-c3os to provider-*, and wherever necessary
  • Adapt documentation/READMEs (also with new logo)
  • Refactor code and repos
  • Add project status section in README, mentioning that c3os is being renamed, also in docs index