"Flavour Fusion : Real World Project". It has all the necessary features required for a Food website.
- 4
Fix : Order now appearance on Desktop
#97 opened - 0
dark mode buttons
#85 opened - 7
- 5
- 7
Fix order now section
#82 opened - 2
Fix Menu section in dark mode
#81 opened - 25
Adding reviews page
#79 opened - 1
- 2
Logo and UI
#77 opened - 0
Change the dark theme toogle button
#69 opened - 2
- 15
Fix : UI not responsive
#67 opened - 5
- 3
- 5
- 4
Fix : About us section
#58 opened - 3
Fix : Sign in page close button
#57 opened - 0
Improvements in Header and Navbar
#51 opened - 2
Fixing the 'Sign In' card overflow
#46 opened - 15
- 3
Dynamically generating the year.
#33 opened - 3
bright/dark theme button improvement
#30 opened - 4
Improved Hovering feature 🐞
#25 opened - 4
UI Improvement
#24 opened - 1
Some more UI changes on the home page
#23 opened - 3
Footer UI improvements
#22 opened - 2
Fix dark mode issues
#21 opened - 7
Minor UI Improvements
#20 opened - 4
Minor UI change on the home page
#19 opened - 2
minor UI update on order-landing page
#18 opened - 5
- 6
Redesign "About us" section
#15 opened - 1
Minor UI Improvements
#14 opened - 1
Change the twitter icon to X icon
#12 opened - 1
- 5
Social media links not working
#6 opened - 1
- 2
Update title and favicon
#4 opened - 10
Homepage needs Animation
#3 opened - 29
UI Improvements
#2 opened - 4
"Order Now" Needs to be Redesigned
#1 opened