
Support for Workspaces

ChristopherBiscardi opened this issue · 1 comments

kit-cli seems to use a single examples folder with a set of files in it. Most of my projects are workspace based with multiple packages (whether lerna, yarn, or bolt), so I'd like to co-locate examples with those packages.

Is there any interest in supporting multiple examples folders (such as one for each package) or globbing examples via a file extension (thing.example-1.js) in kit-cli? or is this something where I should be using the Library, etc components to build my own "kit-cli" on top of say, gatsby?

Yes, we'd definitely like to support that! This PR is a first stab at supporting that, and will try to wrap this up over the next few days: c8r/x0#55

As for whether you'd prefer to use the Library component versus the kit-cli, that's sort of up to you, and we plan to keep both options available for flexibility