
List of flags

binary-person opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a -packed flag, -collab flag, -l, -p, -a, flag, and what else?

Can someone list all the available flags? I've tried server.js -h but it didn't work

GAA, I'm so dumb, it's at the readme file lamo. For anyone with the same brain as me, here's the flags:

--settings       Settings file to use
--help           Show command line options.
-t               Start in test mode
-k               Kill tmux server in test mode
-b               Start the bridge server - to receive commands from the cli  [default: false]
-w               Workspace directory
--port           Port
--debug          Turn debugging on
--listen         IP address of the server
--readonly       Run in read only mode
--packed         Whether to use the packed version.
--auth           Basic Auth username:password
--collab         Whether to enable collab.
--no-cache       Don't use the cached version of CSS

There's also a hidden secure flag from which I've found from this post: https://community.c9.io/t/using-hosted-version-of-cloud9-with-https/11272