
Add Backup command to backup installed packages

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VImana is a useful tool to search and install needed vim files, but is it possible to backup installed packages ?

For me , when typing :

vimana installed 

I would get installed vim packages shown below :

FuzzyFinder [auto]
gist.vim [text]
javascript.vim [text]
matchit.zip [auto]
rails.vim [auto]
snipmate [auto]
supertab-continued. [vimball]
template.vim [auto]
the-nerd-tree [auto]
vim-coffee-script [auto]

After a quick survey , it seems that Vimana stores all file informations under $ENV{VIM_RECORD_DIR} or the other one.

So there may can have a command called :

vimana backup 

After doing so , Vimana would help users to backup a metafile that stores all package names ( which were installed by Vimana from http://www.vim.org/scripts/ ) in JSON format ( like what @c9s do in record directory )

    "installed_packages" : [
        "FuzzyFInder" ,
        ... etc

If one day, a user wants to move from one working environment to another one, (s)he just has to transmit the metafile and anything will be done by Vimana on the free !

The final backup command may be :

vimana backup [options] [path]

with options :

-l, --load 
    load the metafile from the path and will call "install" command to install packages one by one

... to be continued.

Hope this idea helps and thanks for your reading ;)

c9s commented

Hi, EragonJ :-)

Your requirement could be solved with a tarball file.

There is a new vim plugin manager called Vundle http://www.charlietanksley.net/philtex/sane-vim-plugin-management/, you can check.

I am planning version3, to redesign the structure and reduce dependency.