
An Ink component to manage element focus.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An Ink component to manage element focus and ease your mind.


$ npm install ink-focus


This module exports two components.

const React = require("react")
const Ink = require("ink")
const { FocusManager } = require("ink-focus")

    <FocusManager tab onFocusChange={(_, i) => console.log(`Text ${i + 1} focused`)}>
        <Ink.Text>Text 1</Ink.Text>
        <Ink.Text>Text 2</Ink.Text>
        <Ink.Text>Text 3</Ink.Text>

For more advanced usage, see Focusable.


The main component, which will contain all of your focusable elements and handle keypress events.

Note that, currently, FocusManagers can't be nested; attempting to do so will throw an error.


Note that none of the key props default to true, so you'll have to specify at least one of them to make the FocusManager interactive.


Whether Tab presses should change the focus to the next element.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether and (horizontal arrow key) presses should change the focus to the previous and next element, respectively.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether and (vertical arrow key) presses should change the focus to the previous and next element, respectively.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

xArrows and yArrows. Whether all arrows should change the focus.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Custom filter to check whether a keypress should change focus or not. Return "prev" to change focus to the previous element, "next" to change focus to the next one, and any other value to not do anything. Check out the keypress module to see what arguments are passed to the callback.

  • Type: function(char: string, key?: object) => "prev" | "next" | any
  • Default: undefined

Whether the focus should loop back to the start when there are no elements next, and loop to the end when there are no elements prior.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether no element should be focused by default; the first (or last) element will only be focused once the user presses a key.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Callback run once the focus changes.

  • Type: function(oldIndex?: number, newIndex: number) => void
  • Default: undefined

Children props

The children of a FocusManager ("focusable elements") can have these props.


Whether the element is focused. This prop is set by FocusManager, though you can set it yourself to set a default focused element other than the first one.

  • Type: boolean

Whether the element should not be focusable; it should be "skipped" if the user attempts to focus it.

  • Type: boolean

Callback run once the element is focused.

  • Type: function() => void

Callback run once the element is "blurred" (stops being focused).

  • Type: function() => void


A utility component, which isn't strictly necessary—you can place elements other than Focusables inside FocusManagers—but can be useful if the content of the FocusManager isn't solely custom components. It handles prop swapping depending on whether the element is focused.


All FocusManager children props, and all Ink.Box props, which will be passed to the container Box.


Props to pass to the container Ink.Box when the element is focused.

  • Type: object

Writing your own focusable component

Check out examples/main.js for an example of (two) custom-made focusable components, they handle styling so you don't have to inline the focus prop every time. They're similar to the Focusable implementation.

Psst! for focusable buttons, check out ink-button.


You'll notice that pressing Ctrl+C (or any other combination) won't exit the program. This happens because ink-focus keeps listening for user keypresses. To fix this, add something like this to your code (preferably your main file; index.js, cli.js...):

process.stdin.on("keypress", (char, key) => {
    if (key && key.ctrl && key.name === "c") {

This will listen for keypress events, and exit the program once the Ctrl+C combination is detected.