Proposal: add generic `ParseAs`
3timeslazy opened this issue · 2 comments
3timeslazy commented
Hi there,
Thank you for your work!
While working with the library I thought what if there was a generic function that returned typed values. Something like that
func ParseAs[T any]() (T, error) {
var conf T
err := env.Parse(&conf)
if err != nil {
return conf, err
return conf, nil
Then the caller code would be
-- with ParseAs
conf, err := env.ParseAs[MyConfig]()
if err != nil {
-- classic way
conf := MyConfig{}
if err := env.Parse(&conf); err != nil {
I understand that the difference is insignificant in the case above, but in many code bases I worked with it actually would be
// -- Must defined somewhere
func Must[T any](v T, err error) T {
if err != nil {
return v
// -- with ParseAs
conf := Must(env.ParseAs[MyConfig]())
// -- classic way
conf := MyConfig{}
if err := env.Parse(&conf); err != nil { // can't use Must
What do you think?
3timeslazy commented
Oh, I was looking for this kind of discussion and was sure there was nothing. Thank you!