
Generated description has extra newlines in YAML.

philderbeast opened this issue · 3 comments

For the stack golden test, the description generated has extra newlines compared to the expected output;

Expected stack.yaml.golden file;

description: ! 'Please see the for usage information, and
  the wiki on Github for more details.  Also, note that
  the API for the library is not currently stable, and may
  change significantly, even between minor releases. It is
  currently only intended for use by the executable.'

Generated stack.yaml file;

description: ! 'Please see the for usage information, and

  the wiki on Github for more details.  Also, note that

  the API for the library is not currently stable, and may

  change significantly, even between minor releases. It is

  currently only intended for use by the executable.'

Bump. Just wanted to note that this test failure was observed on the Stackage build server.

I was able to reproduce this locally like so:

stack unpack hpack-dhall-0.5.1 && cd hpack-dhall-0.5.1
echo 'resolver: nightly-2019-02-17' > stack.yaml
stack build --test --bench --no-run-benchmarks --fast
    .dhall to yaml
      hpack:             OK
      stack:             WARNING: Specified file "" for extra-source-files does not exist
WARNING: Specified source-dir "driver" does not exist
WARNING: Specified source-dir "src" does not exist
WARNING: Specified source-dir "test" does not exist
FAIL (0.01s)
        Files 'test/golden/test-files/real-world/stack/stack.yaml.golden' and 'test/golden/test-files/real-world/stack/stack.yaml' differ

We now require base >= 4.13, implying GHC >= 8.8.4, as of hpack-dhall-0.5.3.