
What should I be looking for, when I see '$stderr.puts "Incorrect section nesting: Need to start with 1"'

SpencerDawkins opened this issue · 5 comments

I made a decent number of changes to my markdown file, and am now seeing (for the first time in my life)

$stderr.puts "Incorrect section nesting: Need to start with 1"

I diffed my old and new markdown files, and don't see anything obvious, and part of my problem is almost certainly that I don't know how I can screw up "section nesting" in markdown.

Could you give me a clue?

Obviously this must have happened at least once in previous history, because the code checks for it now. What caused the problem last time? 🙃

cabo commented

kramdown-rfc needs to construct nested sections from what is essentially a flat input structure.
It looks for headings and generates a nested section start for each increase of the heading level.
This increase needs to be by 1 or we don't have a section title to give to the new nesting level.

So if your introduction starts with ## or you maybe have a ### heading inside a # heading, kramdown-rfc will reduce the heading level so there is only a by 1 increase and you get the warning.

Of course, decreasing the level is possible by any amount as sections can be closed without a needing a title.

cabo commented

I plan to improve the error message in the next release.

cabo commented

Slightly better error message (with line number) now in 1.6.32.

@cabo - thank you for this. If I'd had a line number pointing to "###", that would have helped me a lot!