
Regarding availability of ground truth H&E stained test data

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I am using the autofluorescence and H&E stained dataset. I have trained my network using the dataset. However, I want to test the performance by comparing generated stained with the ground truth test H&E stained dataset. It will be very helpful if you share the ground truth test H&E stained dataset. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi, Sumona-IIITG. In our work, we only had adjacent slices for qualitative comparison. We could not obtain pixel-wise registered images because of the destructive preparation. Do you mean adjacent slices with similar histopathological structures?

Hi, thank you for the prompt response. Yes I was inquiring about the adjacent slices with similar histological structure. Can you please share adjacent h&e stained slice for the test autofluorescence images?? So that I could compare my result effectively. I look forward to hearing from you.

You can download our dataset from
Autofluorescence images and matched adjacent slices can be downloaded from the links in the Complete dataset section. The first link is preprocessed images used in our work. The second link is whole-slide pathological images. I hope this helps.

Thank you very much. Got the dataset.