Needs push in upstream/master from older to newer
cacaodev opened this issue · 0 comments
18005e204bba1d2913f8896305b3c4383b9dae29 CPTableView & CPOutlineView : wrap delegate & datasource methods into private instance methods.
ec64490821928cd3167784551cbc234dd615199e CPOutlineView: Fix a bug where newly expanded items would have a white disclosure control. In CPTableView, add a method for data view selection. Use it in CPOutlineView for disclosure selection and do not subclass the entire -selectRows:... method. Darken disclosure control when pressed depending on the selected state.
b6029ac3fee6bbba934d2a7d1e08187d4caa6652 Fix for issue cappuccino#574
422d27ae7ac8f3cbafc1d6d4dd13b7c31fa162e7 CPOutlineView: more delegate rewriting. Fix objectValueForTableColumn:row:. Implement dataViewForTableColumn:row: the same way it's implemented in CPTableView = not fully implemented yet.