
Trained Model

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Do you have a model already trained on Modanet I can try out? Otherwise I'm training one myself now. I was going to use another mask-rcnn implementation but I can use yours and PR with a trained model.

Never mind I found your file in the Thank you so much. It's very helpful. :)

cad0p commented

I’m writing it as a module in some demo. I don’t know the rest properly but when it’s done I’ll post here. Definitely won’t be done by tomorrow though. Anyway, good luck presenting. :)

cad0p, some serious skills here. Come and do a phd with us?!
Currently building an audience emotion CV app :)

cad0p commented

@andytwoods Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Thanks a lot for the offer, but I just finished my bachelor's and I'd like to complete my education with a master's degree (I am applying to go to Politecnico di Milano in Italy starting this September).

But let's keep in touch! I'm curious to see your work and I'll keep the offer for when I'll finish in Milan.