
ValueError: Cannot use 'roi_align_1/map/while/strided_slice_20'

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luzer commented

ValueError: Cannot use 'roi_align_1/map/while/strided_slice_20' as input to 'roi_align_1/map/while/zeros/packed' because 'roi_align_1/map/while/strided_slice_20' is in a while loop. See info log for more details.
when running this
maskrcnn-modanet processimage save image -u
LOVE this project

i am having lots of issues running locally
i have python 3.7
tensorflow downgraded to 1.13.1 for comaptability

luzer commented

this happens with the google collab notebook as well

Did you find any solution??

Tensorflow=1.13.1 , keras==2.2.4, keras-retinanet==0.5.1
You might be needing to install tensorboard 1.15.0 and tensorflow-estimator 1.15.1 too. (they should still work with tf 1.13.1)

After that you do pip install -e . (if regular install still have the same problem)

This solved the same problem on colab for me. Beware sometimes on colab even if you specify the right keras version it doesn't install it but install the latest one so you should rerun the pip command again.

cad0p commented

All the correct versions are now in the last commit 38551c4