vim-sunflower ============= Synopsis ```````` This is a vim plugin for adjusting colors depending on the time of the day. Inspired by the similar plugin for emacs called 'theme-changer'. Why do this? ```````````` Apart from comprising ones favourite colours in a favourable combination, colour themes are what their eyes be subject to throughout the day and night. While these colours remain unchanged all the day, however, ones surroundings do not: sun sets and rises, turning day into night and night into day; and lights get turned on and off. The amount and quality of light around one determines the intensity of colours their eyes can tolerate. While brighter, lighter colours are easier ones eyes during daylight, they start to gnaw them in the night. Dark colors are suitable for use in the dark or under artificial illumination, but are tiring during the day. While it is very useful to switch colour themes based on the amount and quality of illumination, most people either cannot be bothered to do so, or forget to do it altogether. This vim plugin is my go at automating this task, so that it is done for the vim user without they interfering, and it is done at the first place. Installation ```````````` Sunflower depends of PyEphem for sunset and sunrise computations. You can use the `requirements.txt' file at the project root with `pip' utility to install anything sunflower depends: % pip install -r requirements.txt or you can install the library yourself: % pip install pyephem Please note that you may need to run these commands with superuser privileges. This plugin depends on python scripting feature of Vim. If your build of vim does not support python scripting, you will need to build vim from source and enable python support. You will need to have Python development libraries and headers installed before doing so. Also, autocommands should be available. You can see elaborate details on what features are available or not via the `:version' command in vim. Configuration ````````````` There are some variables you can use to configure the behaviour of sunflower. Below is an example configuration, set up for Istanbul. You will need to find longtitude and latitude values for your city. More elaborate details on these variables and configuring sunflower can be found via `:help sunflower-config'. let g:sunflower_lat=41 let g:sunflower_long=28 let g:sunflower_colorscheme_day='solarized' let g:sunflower_colorscheme_night='solarized' License ``````` This programme is released under the Two Clause BSD License. The text of license is available in the LICENSE file, which should be available in the root folder of this package.
Adjust theme depending on whether it's day or night. Uses Python. (Not maintained, open an issue if you want to maintain this.)
Vim ScriptBSD-2-Clause