Caddy not renewing corrupt certificates
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Caddy v2.8.4
Recently I received a complain from a client that its domain SSL certificate is not working. On looking into Caddy logs I found that certificate for that domain was corrupt. I was getting this error log:
{"level":"debug","ts":1712046784.7053675,"logger":"http.stdlib","msg":"http: TLS handshake error from no matching certificate to load for decoding certificate metadata: invalid character '}' after top-level value"}
I removed certificate directory and hit domain URL in browser. New certificate was generated and worked fine.
Question: Isn't Caddy supposed to remove invalid/corrupt certificates and generate new instead?
Let me know if you need to see my configurations, will share them.
This was a known issue prior to v2.9.0, it's fixed in the latest betas.