
Save to blockchain like to localStorage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package is built as a joke and is not intended for real-world use! Depend on it for your own risk!

ImmutablETH stores your data in the ETH rinkeby blockchain.

import ImmutablETH from 'ImmutablETH'

const storage = ImmutablETH()

const pony = storage.getItem('myFavoritePony') // Roland

const order = { item: 'coffee', amount: 1, price: 100, total: 100 }
storage.setItem(`order-${Date.now()}`, order)
  .then(() => console.log('saved!'))
  .catch(() => console.log('error'))
// saved!


Send some tETH to this address: 0x17dA6A8B86578CEC4525945A355E8384025fa5Af. You can use https://faucet.rinkeby.io/!