
Headers aren't passed to cloudfront

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I installed your app using serverless repo on AWS, it works lovely thanks for it!
I would like to use cloudfront cache capability but unfortunately it seems that your app does not forward headers.
As you can see on these examples :
Cache-Control is passed :
Cache-Control isn't passed :

Could you please update your code to handle it?
Or if the error comes from my side could you help please :)

@cagataygurturk Any plane to do it?

@VivienGiraud Hello. I have the same problem. Could you please tell me - how you resolved this?

@modgahead We just throw it, manually resize to every size required and put it to our CDN...

Hi also looking for this feature. Cache-control would be a welcomed feature to help combat the round-trips to the function if this could be cached completely on the client side.