
Permission Denied

drewg233 opened this issue · 1 comments

I keep getting a permission denied error and looking for a little help with that.

ErrorHandler.partialFailure for 1 items; CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey: {
    "<CKRecordID: 0x282936ac0; recordName=72C492EC-CDCB-485D-89B6-2101BA79079C, zoneID=MediasZone:__defaultOwner__>" = "<CKError 0x2827625e0: \"Permission Failure\" (10/2007); server message = \"Unprivileged attempt to insert a system field: _asset\"; op = F7684B36ABA9E520; uuid = 0438A265-F514-4216-9622-7BAD75061232; container ID = \"\">";

I believe it's because, for testing purposes deleted the iCloud data for my app. Ever since then I haven't been able to sync to iCloud with this error.

My issue was that my variable names were prefixed with an underscore. "_name". Looks like you can't do this.