
deleted data cannot sync to private database

dong706 opened this issue · 0 comments

There is one object defind as below.After set property is_del_force =1 at my app, I went to the CloudKit database to scan the data, the is_delete_force field of this row of data has not changed, it is still 0. Whether it is after a few minutes or a few hours, I think I need your advice, thank you!

@objc dynamic var is_del_force: Int64 = 0

extension User: CKRecordConvertible {
    var isDeleted: Bool {
        return self.is_del_force == 1 ;
    // Leave it blank if you are using private database
    // For public database users, uncomment the following code:
     static var databaseScope: CKDatabase.Scope {
         return .private

Expected behavior

deleted data can sync to private database

Actual behavior(optional)

deleted data cannot sync to private database

Steps to reproduce the problem(optional)