
Compatibility with Cake 0.18

gillesmeyer opened this issue · 9 comments


Since yesterday's update of Cake to 0.18 I get the following error when I reference Cake.Json add-in:

Error: The assembly 'Cake.Json, Version=1.0.6059.1381, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is referencing an older version of Cake.Core (0.7.0). This assembly need to reference at least Cake.Core version 0.16.0. Another option is to downgrade Cake to an earlier version.

A temporary workaround is to downgrade Cake's version to 0.17 in tools/packages.config.

Any idea of what the problem can be?

I was able to do the temporary workaround by opening ${solutiondir}/tools/packages.config, and changing the version to 0.17. Saved, ran cake again and it seems to be building normally now.

Latest version ( is built against Cake 0.17 and this shouldn't be an issue anymore

fleed commented

I'm experiencing the same problem with version 0.22.0.
Any plan to update the package?

I confirm this is happening again with Cake version 0.22.0

To avoid breaking build you should pin cake and also any addins to specific versions. See here. Cake 0.22.0 introduced known breaking changes which requires addins to be recompiled

Thanks for the tip ! This is what I ended up doing.

Actually issue became a little bit more complicated now. Some plugins (like Cake.Npm) are already updated with Cake 0.22.0 support, as the result - they stopped to work with older versions of Cake. Of course you can manipulate with versions and try to workaround it with using specific versions of Cake and its' plugins. However how it works by default - it just unexpectedly started to fail for me on our nightly CI builds.

I took some action and made a PR to update Cake.Json with Cake 0.22.0 support - #22 (actually had to convert Cake.Json to .NET Core/.NET Standard).
Would be good if author reviewed it and approved if everything is OK.

@Aleksanderis Besides pinning Cake you should also pin your addin versions since otherwise they can break your build anytime, or any addin can introduce some incompatibilities with either core Cake or any other addin. If you do this you can wait until all addins you're using are updated to Cake 0.22 and then update Cake / Addins in a controlled way. This is the recommended way to avoid this situation.

If you further want to reduce the risk of having your build break unexpectedly, you should also avoid dependencies on any internet resources (like the Cake website or by eg using a company internal cache for providing the packages.

@pascalberger , I know, everything is fine. It wasn't that something critical was broken. I just mentioned how it might happen "by default".;)