
Update buildsystem to Cake.Recipe 2.0.0

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Steps should include:

  • Change pre-processor directive
  • Pin to updated version of Cake - 0.38.4
  • Remove input parameters which are no longer required, for example shouldRunGitVersion: true as this is now the default
  • Update bootstrapper to include --bootstrap command
  • Project is using an embedded icon
  • Project is using a deterministic build - --target=Enable-DeterministicBuild
  • Rename AppVeyor default target - AppVeyor -> CI
  • Update GitVersion.yml file with the required changes for using new version of GitVersion
  • Add CakeContrib.Guidelines Nuget Package and add PackageIcon to csproj
  • Remove usage of nuspec file(s) for NuGet packages, instead, we will run DotNetCore-Pack
  • Add shouldUseDeterministicBuilds: true parameter
  • Check for usage of shouldRunCodecov: true which is not required anymore - this is new default
  • Add Cake.Addin.Analyzer package
  • Add settings.json file for VSCode
  • Add dependabot config file
  • Add GitHub Actions
  • Switch to Cake.Tool rather than Cake.exe
  • Switch to not running PR's on AppVeyor
  • Check for trailing spaces in the TestCoverageFilter
  • Ensure targeting netstandard2.0 for project and netcoreapp2.1 and netcoreapp3.1 for tests
  • Ensure AppVeyor build image is using latest
  • Fix broken unit tests
  • Fix dupFinderExcludePattern for multi-targetting platforms
  • Update bootstrappers to use .Net Global Tool
  • Update appveyor.yml file to bust cache based on change to .net global tool json file, rather than packages.config file
  • Delete packages.config file
  • Update .gitignore file to no longer exclude the packages.config file