
US phone number with prefix (NXX) 811 not working

rochamarcelo opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm using the phone validation and got an issue with a client trying to use a phone number with prefix (NXX) 811, based on wikipedia page 811 is valid.

I want to know if there is a reason for this behavior. I could send a pull request to allow 811.

Please do so, yes.

That document seems to indicate it's not a valid area code. It is used as a stand-alone number.

@othercorey from wikipedia I've found this In the United States, 8-1-1 provides a uniform national phone number to access local [utility location]( services . I can say that we got a phone number with 811 and were able to call and a fax line answered.

With a PR we could already have talked about the implementation and fix and most likely already merged and released it :)

@dereuromark I didn't sent a pull request before because I was not able to code .