
Cake doesn't load plugin

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi. I use CakePHP 2.6, but when I try to use your plugin, Cake doesn't load it.
I put the line in bootstrap.php


and before I unzipped the Localized folder (naming it 'Localized') into the app/Plugin directory.

But when I look into the DebugKit Toolbar, looking for the loaded plugins, the Localized plugin doesn't appear! Can you help me?

Did you download the localized plugin?

Exact same problem here.
I double checked if:

  • Localized folder is in the correct place (app/Plugin)
  • With the correct name (Localized)
  • Loaded in the bootstrap.php (tried by name and using loadAll() as well)

No luck so far

Sure, I downloaded from this link on GitHub.. I don't know why it doesn't load itself, even if I do all the steps :-\

Instalo mediante componer

Any update here? Installation through composer is indeed preferred (and definitly working).