
Update conference interest form with new initiatives

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments

We currently use this form to collect contact info at conferences. Given the addition of new products to our suite, we would like to add more options to the "Initiatives" field.

Please add to "Initiatives" the following:

  • ZEB Implementation
  • Software for Scheduling
  • Digital Signage

@AnthonyRollins assigned to you with deadline of 4/12 so it's ready for CALACT. Will drop a note in Slack too so folks are aware of the changes.

I will get those added. @mrose914 did you have any preferences on the questions before? I will keep it pretty simple name, email, company/org and which initiatives. Let me know if there was anything else you were thinking of capturing

@AnthonyRollins I think that's it from me! Maybe once it's done we post in the #conferences chat to confirm there are no add'l reqts from anyone else. Thank you ๐Ÿ™

@mrose914 @o-ram The form has been updated. Here is the live version: Let me know if there are any changes I should make.

@AnthonyRollins a few requests:

  • Can we center the Cal-ITP logo up top?
  • Can we add a headline under the logo? Something like - Sign up below to stay connected to Cal-ITP!
    Other than that, it looks good to me.

@mrose914 This has been updated with your changes.

LGTM, thank you!

Looks good from the QR code as well! Just tried it on my phone