
Research Task - SB125 Allocation Package Data Cleaning

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Research Task

Use this template to create issues that represent small chunks of work (.5 - 2 days) that stand alone, or represent incremental work as part of an Epic Issue Template.

  • Relevant PR (if applicable):

  • Question or Goal: RTPAs/Orgs submitted allocation packages for SB125 funding, do these packages meet all the requirements per the SB125 final guidelines?

  • Data Required:

  • Research Required: Read SB125 final guideline to understand context of what is submitted.

  • Metrics: a yes/no value for the presence of each requirement

  • Expected Outputs / Findings: A table where each row is a RTPA/Org, columns of each requirements for allocation packages and yes/no values to indicate if the RTPA met the specific requirement.

Initial work plan

Future work plan

  • add pdf allocation package data to google survey to fill in gaps,
  • explore what analyses and metrics can be done with all this data

meeting w/ Anthony Serna and maybe Chad soon for next steps from CalSTA

closing since initial scope complete, may create future issue if needed