
Upgrade urllib & pillow

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User story / feature request

Please describe your need, outlining the key users, the feature being requested, and the goal that that the feature will facilitate. For example: As a [user or stakeholder type], I want [software feature] so that [some business value]

As a Cal-ITP data stakeholder, I want our data infrastructure to use up-to-date packages to to keep our codebase current. Specifically, we should address the following urllib upgrades identified by dependabot. It is easier to upgrade them all together in one PR than to manage all the dependabot PRs separately.

Acceptance Criteria

Please enter something that can be verified to show that this user story is satisfied. For example: I can join table X with table Y. or Column A appears in table Z in Metabase.

All current pillow & urllib dependabot PRs can be closed


Please enter any additional information that will facilitate the completion of this ticket. For example: Are there any constraints not mentioned above? Are there any alternatives you have considered?